Mr. Vance Dalton, Chair
Mr. Clement Geitner, Vice-Chair
Mr. David Boone
Mr. Steve Boyd
Mr. John Bray
Ms. Sherry Butler
Mr. Jeremy Fortner
Ms. Kimberly George
Mrs. Linda Greenwell
Dr. Trisha Johnson
Mr. Tom Lundy
Mr. Robert A. Mullinax
Mrs. DeAnna Taylor
Mr. John Watts
Hope Cable, CVCC Student Government President, 2020-21
Dr. Garrett Hinshaw, College President
Mrs. Jennifer Jones, Board Secretary
Trustees for Catawba Valley Community College are selected for four-year terms, four each by the Catawba County Board of Commissioners, the Governor of North Carolina, the three Boards of Education in Catawba County, and two by the Alexander County Board of Commissioners. Under state law, the duly-elected President of the CVCC Student Government Association is a non-voting trustee for a term of one year. New appointments occur in July each year and at other times if there are resignations, etc. For a current listing, please contact the Office of the President.