Mar 31, 2025  
Catawba Valley Community College 2017-2018 General Catalog 
Catawba Valley Community College 2017-2018 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life


Services for Students


Academic Advising

Each curriculum student enrolled in a degree, diploma or certificate program will have access to academic advising through an assigned advisor or through the Advising Center. This determination is made during the Admission interview and will be communicated to the student as appropriate for the program of study. The purpose of academic advising is to assist the student with planning a course schedule, registration, program sequence and completion, academic probation, graduation review, and general academic advising.


Advising Center

Academic Advising is provided on a regular daily schedule by trained professional staff in the Advising Center in the Student Services Building. All new students are required to meet with Advising Center staff for academic advising and planning for their first registration. At this first meeting staff will assist students with program requirements, course planning, long range goals, explain various college processes, and answer any questions. Students can also complete the registration process with Advising Staff during the periods of registration. Other services provided include class schedule adjustments, academic probation advising, and program completion and graduation progress.

Students can make appointments for advising during registration periods, but drop-in service is also available.


Alumni Affairs

The CVCC Alumni Association was founded in 2014 to connect, enrich, and serve a growing body of alumni. The Association celebrates the achievements of CVCC alumni and the opportunities that community college education provides. It also seeks to five alumni opportunities to give back to students, the college, and the community it serves. Individuals who finished a degree, certificate, diploma, or earned job skills through CVCC are invited to join. For more information, visit, or contact Mary Reynolds, Alumni Affairs Director,


Business Operating Hours 

The CVCC Normal Business Hours of Operation are 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday – Friday and closed Saturday and Sunday. The CVCC campus buildings are open to students 7:00 AM Monday – Friday except for scheduled events. The CVCC Campus is closed 10:30 PM – 6:00 AM Monday – Thursday and closes at 5:00 PM on Friday. The Campus will close on Institutional Holidays.


Career Counseling

Individual career counseling is available to all students who are interested in discussing their career interests, choice of program, and career goals. Career assessments and career reference information are used to assist students in examining their interests, values, and skills to explore career options. Assessments available include: Self Directed Search, Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator, Focus 2, and CFNC Planning Tools.


Challenged Materials

CVCC supports the position of the American Library Association on the subject of censorship. The right of the librarian and faculty to select books and other materials representing all sides of controversial issues must be safeguarded by the college.


College Store 

The College operates a well-stocked, walk-in, self-service college store, where most required books, supplies, and tools are available. In addition, other items of student interest may be purchased. While operating primarily for the students, the College Store is open to the general public and is located in the Student Center.



CVCC does not offer mental health/personal counseling services. Admission staff members are available to assist students with academic or vocational issues. Also, the CVCC Career Center may offer career/vocational assistance to students. If at any point an admissions representative determines a student’s ability to benefit from campus services is limited, the staff member will recommend appropriate resources and suggest alternatives to the student.


CVCC Alert

The CVCC Alert App can be downloaded at the Apple Store or Google Play.  The app is provided by the Office of Safety, Security and Health, so that you may be provided with timely information and warnings to help keep you safe in the event of an emergency on or near campus.  Should you have questions about CVCC Alert please contact the Office of Safety, Security and Health. 


CVCC Foundation, Inc. 

The Catawba Valley Community College Foundation, Inc., is a non-profit organization with the mission to foster and promote growth, progress, and the general welfare of Catawba Valley Community College. It is the vehicle through which the community may invest in education.



The CVCC Go app is a student oriented mobile application for iOS and Android that allows users to view campus information like: maps, important phone numbers, or even take a virtual tour! Current students can login to see final grades, register for classes, and even pay for classes through the app.


Electronic Mail Services

CVCC creates a college e-mail address for students when the online application is entered into the CVCC database. This e-mail address is communicated to the student during the Admission interview visit in the Student Services office. Students are expected to read the CVCC email daily. The College shares critical information regarding financial aid, academic issues, grades, registration, campus safety alerts, and general news through e-mail. It is the preferred method of communication with students to ensure timeliness of information, safety, and security. It is the student’s responsibility to learn how to login and read CVCC e-mail and follow specialized requests from various campus departments.

CVCC e-mail is a technology resource. Users are subject to all other policies regarding CVCC technology resources. Students may expect reasonable access to CVCC e-mail. However, access cannot be guaranteed to be available at all times or in all circumstances

CVCC e-mail may be accessed for routine management or maintenance purposes.

CVCC e-mail users must accurately identify themselves in their electronic correspondence.

Users may be required to manage their CVCC e-mail storage space due to the limitations of storage resources.

CVCC e-mail accounts established for students may be terminated at the end of the enrollment period.


Electronic Signature

Catawba Valley Community College (CVCC) recognizes an electronic signature as a valid signature from faculty, staff, and students. An electronic signature is defined as any electronic process signifying an approval to terms, and/or ensuring the integrity of the document, presented in electronic format. 

Students use electronic signatures to register, check financial aid awards, pay student bills, obtain unofficial transcripts, update contact information, log into campus computers, complete forms, submission of class work, tests, etc. 

Faculty and staff use electronic signatures for submitting grades, viewing personal payroll data, logging into campus computers, accessing protected data through the administrative computing system and custom web applications provided by the college, etc.

An electronic signature is considered valid when the following is met:

Condition:  Campus Network Username and Password

  • Institution provides student or employee with a unique username
  • Student or employee sets his or her own password
  • Student or employee logs into the campus network and secure site using both the username and the password

It is the responsibility and obligation of each individual to keep their PIN and/or their password private so others cannot use their credentials.  

Once logged in, the student or employee is responsible for any information they provide, update, or remove. CVCC will take steps to ensure both the PIN and password are protected and kept confidential. Furthermore, users are responsible for logging out of all systems and exercising the necessary precautions when using publicly accessible computers. 

This policy is in addition to all applicable federal and state statutes, policies, guidelines, and standards.


Financial Assistance

Consistent with the open door admissions policy, it is the intent of the college administration that no person be denied the opportunity to pursue financial assistance. Therefore, scholarship and financial assistance information is available during the enrollment process. The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid is available to assist students and potential students in planning for the financial support of their education.


Food Services

Located in the Student Center, the Compass Group provides fresh food choices on a daily basis in a cafeteria-style snack bar. Many food items are made daily on-site. Commitments to students include:

  • Sourcing fresh yogurt & milk that is free of artificial growth hormones.
  • Purchasing poultry produced without the routine use of human antibiotics.
  • Buying local products to support American family farms.
  • Promoting Certified Humane cage-free eggs™.
  • Featuring social and ecological certified coffee.
  • Serving seafood that comes from sustainable sources.
  • Offering packaging made from renewable resources.
  • Implementing waste reduction practices to minimize environmental impact.
  • Providing a large variety of healthful options and educational tools encouraging our customer to make healthier choices.

Vending choices are also available in all campus buildings.


Health Services/Information

There is no formal healthcare program/clinic available for students. The Student Government Association (SGA) includes various health-related activities/information in annual program planning. These programs may be offered in collaboration with other CVCC Departments and/or community agencies. These may include programs on substance abuse, HIV, wellness, nutrition, stress, anxiety, and/or other vital healthcare topics. These activities are posted on the MyCVCC Portal Calendar.

Any students, faculty, or staff health-related emergencies are referred to area healthcare providers/agencies. CVCC has developed procedures designed to protect all student and employees in the workplace from exposure to blood borne pathogens. A copy of these procedures is on file in the Human Resources Office.



Students may get technology help for CVCC services by accessing the CVCC Helpdesk by calling 828-327-7000, ext. 4444.


Hours of Classes 

Students may attend Catawba Valley Community College on either a full-time or part-time basis. Day classes are normally scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Evening classes are normally scheduled between 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Some classes are also scheduled on weekends, Friday evening and Saturday daytime.



Catawba Valley Community College primarily serves students within commuting distance of the campus. CVCC has no dormitory or housing facilities.


Inclement Weather Closings

Catawba Valley Community College will cancel classes only when the weather is considered too hazardous for safe travel to and from the college. The decision will be made as soon as possible by the President or designee, in order to inform students and staff. An official announcement stating that classes are delayed or the College is closed will be made by the automated attendant (updated college closing information option), on the telephone system 828-327-7000, CVCC’s web page (, or by CVCC’s text alert option.


Intercollegiate Athletics

The CVCC mascot is the Red Hawk. CVCC is authorized to operate an intercollegiate athletic program and is a member in good standing with the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). All teams at CVCC are members of the National Junior College Athletic Association, Region 10, which includes two-year colleges in Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina.  Within this region, CVCC competes in the Division II Carolinas-Virginia Conference.

CVCC teams include Women’s Volleyball, Men’s and Women’s Basketball, and Men’s Baseball.


Job Placement

CVCC shall make job placement services available to students and alumni. CVCC also partners with other agencies in the local NCWorks Career Center to provide these services. Students have access to jobs listed by employers who call the Career Center for assistance. The office has listings for full-time, part-time and temporary jobs. Current students, former students, and graduates of curriculum programs are eligible for placement services. Services include job preparation (job search, resume writing, applications, interviewing, etc.) job fairs, workshops, and on-campus interviews.


Learning Assistance Center

The Learning Assistance Center is an academic support center offering walk-in tutorial assistance to Catawba Valley Community College students who are experiencing academic difficulties or wanting to improve their academic performance. Individual assistance is available in all levels of mathematics, writing, and study skills. Computer-assisted instruction, video instruction and Internet access are also available.



The Library is open to all CVCC students, CVCC employees, and to the general public.

The Library is located on the second floor of the Cuyler A. Dunbar Building. Its primary function is to support instruction and provide necessary resources to the students in each of the curricula areas. The Library has a capacity of 201 persons with a collection of 30,000 volumes. Eight individual study rooms and two group study rooms are available for use.

Library patrons are subject to all library fees and fines (e.g. for damage or loss of materials and equipment, library card replacement).

The confidentiality of library user records shall be maintained in accordance with the General Statutes of NC, Chapter 125-19 and all other regulatory requirements.


Lost and Found 

The College Switchboard, located on the first floor of the Student Services Bldg., serves as the central location for items that have been found on campus. Do not leave items unattended on campus. It is a good idea to mark your name on all items you bring to campus.


MyCVCC Portal

The MyCVCC portal facilitates communication among Catawba Valley Community College employees and students. Beyond meeting the complex needs of CVCC employees and students to communicate, it encourages engagement within our community with access to register for classes, email, Blackboard, as well as paying for classes.


New Student Orientation 

New Student Orientation is required of all new students and is offered in an online format. This orientation introduces individuals to information about how to navigate on campus, explore career options, and register for upcoming courses. Students will also be instructed on how to access online classes, student accounts, grade information, and payment options. New Student Orientation is available at


Office of Multicultural Affairs

The Office of Multicultural Affairs is located on the first floor of the Cuyler A. Dunbar building. Its function is for all students, staff, and faculty to embrace and value diversity. This office promotes a creative climate offering a series of Multicultural Days on CVCC’s campuses for a positive educational experience for all students.


Office of Safety, Security, and Health of the College

The Office of Safety Security and Health is located on the first floor of the Cuyler A. Dunbar Building.  The function of this office is to provide a safe working and learning environment for all students, staff and visitors to our campus.  Should there be a safety or security concern please contact the Office of Safety, Security and Health.


Parking Hang Tags

Applications for parking hang tags may be picked up from the Office of Safety, Security and Health.  These hang tags enable the Office of Safety, Security and Health to locate you in the event that there is an issue with your vehicle while you are on campus. 


Placement Testing Services

Students applying for degree, diploma, and certificate programs may be required to complete placement testing to provide evidence of appropriate skills so that courses may be selected to maximize the student’s opportunity for success. Placement testing is not required for admission to the College, but may be required to satisfy certain program of study requirements. Appropriate skills may be evidenced by one of the following:

  • Sufficient scores on the NCDAP and/or OPAC tests taken at a North Carolina Community College within 5 years of entry to CVCC;
  • Sufficient scores on the ACT or SAT tests taken within 5 years of entry to CVCC;
  • Meeting the requirements for Multiple Measures for Placement for those students who graduate from a North Carolina high school in the year 2012 or later.

NCDAP and OPAC testing is available by appointment in the CVCC Testing Center. Appointments may be made when the student meets with Admission staff to activate his/her application. There is no fee for this first-time placement testing. NCDAP and OPAC scores are valid for 5 years. More specific information can be found at » Testing Center.


Re-testing Procedure

Generally, re-testing on NC DAP is not considered to be productive. However, re-testing may occur if one of the following conditions is met:

  1. NC DAP scores are older than 5 years and have expired. There is no fee to re-test if test scores have expired.
  2. The original test score is believed to be invalid due to illness, interruption, or other problems during test administration as determined by the Testing Center staff. Should any of these issues occur, the student must alert the Testing Center staff about the issue upon completion of the placement test and before exiting from the Testing Center. Testing Center staff will discuss the issue with the student and assist the student to schedule a re-test if appropriate. Testing Center staff will determine whether the student must pay a re-testing fee.
  3. The student completes an intervention/remediation to provide appropriate skill development for the student. The student must discuss this option with the appropriate Department Head (Mathematics or English/Developmental Studies) and re-testing will be approved by the Department Head if appropriate. The student will be charged a $10.00 fee to re-test in Mathematics and a $10.00 fee to re-test in Reading/English.
  4. The Department Head for Mathematics or English/Developmental Studies determines that the student may benefit from a re-test. The Department Head will discuss options with the student to determine the best course of action. The student will be charged a $10.00 fee to re-test in Mathematics and a $10.00 fee to re-test in Reading/English.
  5. Testing Center staff are not authorized to grant re-testing except in the case of #2 listed above.

Students who are approved to re-test will receive a form from the appropriate Department Head that indicates the specific NC DAP re-test. The student will take this form to the Business Office and pay the required fee(s). The Business Office will give the student a receipt. The student will take both the re-test Form and the receipt to the Testing Center to schedule a re-test appointment.

Requests for re-testing are directed to the » Testing Center.


Program for Students with Disabilities

A program of services is provided for students with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities (as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the ADA Amended Act 2008) wishing to make a request for reasonable accommodation or wishing to file a complaint of alleged discrimination on the basis of disability should contact the CVCC Program for Students with Disabilities Office. It is the student’s responsibility to request these services. Current documentation of the disability by an appropriate professional may be required. All information is kept confidential. Students will be required to sign a release of information form before any special contact is made to arrange accommodations. Please request accommodations at least three (3) weeks before class as some accommodations take time to arrange. If it is less than this, we will accommodate to the extent we feasibly can. You may request accommodations at You may also contact the Counselor for students with Disabilities in the Learning Assistance Center, CAD 157.


Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for Homeless and Unaccompanied Youth

In accordance with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, services are provided to help smooth the transition to college for unaccompanied students who are experiencing homelessness. The Single Point of Contact (SPOC) helps to create an awareness on campus of homeless students, expedite the process of determining eligibility for independent student status for the FAFSA, and supports school access and success by facilitating campus discussions to develop a system of support for homeless and unaccompanied youth, and linking youth with campus resources and community assistance. The CVCC SPOC can be reached at Student Services at 828-327-7000 ext. 4216 or by mail at 2550 Hwy. 70 SE, Hickory, NC 28602.


Special Programs

Students needing assistance with childcare funding or other supportive services such as temporary funding of tuition, books, supplies or transportation should contact the Director for Special Programs in the Learning Assistance Center (LAC). Each year special grant applications are made, and there may be funds for financial assistance. Applications are available in the Learning Assistance Center (LAC) and Student Services and are distributed to the “most in need” as long as funds last. “Most in need” is determined by information submitted on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).


Student Activities

CVCC encourages student co-curricular activities and student organizations that promote student growth, except for campus organizations commonly referred to as social fraternities and/or sororities. Organizations and activities shall be open to all students regardless of race, color, religion, national origin or ethnicity, sex/gender identity, creed, age, disability, veteran or active military status, genetic characteristics, or any other category protected by law under Title VII and/or Title IX. Procedures for organizing student activities and for establishing student organizations shall be established by the Chief Student Services Officer or designee. On-campus fund-raising activities and other on-campus solicitation activities by students and/or student groups must be approved in accordance with guidelines established by the President’s Executive Council.

The College encourages participation in student organizations and activities. Programs sponsored include Fall and Spring Flings; Interclub Council; “Have a Dog with the Big Dawg;” N4C SGA conferences; co-curricular activities; NJCAA women’s volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s baseball and much more! The links provided below give access to these and other related topics.

» Student Life
» Clubs and Organizations
» Community Connections
» Fitness Center
» Student Government
» Student Leadership Academy 


Student Center

The Student Center, a place to meet and eat, is one of the focal points of campus social life. A cafeteria-style snack bar, dining area, outdoor patio, and television help fill leisure moments and relieve study pressures. The Student Center is also available to provide a relatively quiet but relaxed atmosphere in which students may constructively use time for academic preparation.

Behavior Expectations for the Student Center as Approved by Student Government Association (SGA)

  1. Respect the rights of others to study and learn.
  2. Vulgar language, shouting across the room, horseplay, loud music or engaging other users in unwanted interactions are examples of disruptive behaviors that will not be tolerated in the Student Center. Students come to school for an education.  No one has the right to interfere with the education of others.
  3. Use courteous and polite behavior at all times.
  4. Respect the authority of all faculty and staff to enforce these guidelines.
  5. Pick up your trash when you leave the Student Center.
  6. Sagging or unbelted pants are prohibited.
  7. Students may not rearrange the furniture. Leave the tables, chairs and couches as they are arranged.


Student Clubs

CVCC encourages student co-curricular activities and student organizations that promote student growth. Organizations and activities shall be open to all students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex/gender identity, religion, creed, age, disability, veteran or active military status, genetic characteristics, or any other category protected by law under Title VII and/or Title IX. of race, color, national origin, sex/gender, religion, creed, age, or disability.

Students are encouraged to participate in student organizations to promote student growth and to enhance the classroom learning environment. A variety of available clubs is listed below:

  • Accounting Club designed to assist students in becoming better informed about the accounting profession and introduce them to the opportunities available in the private and public sectors. Advisor: Christy Lefevers,, 327-7000 ext. 4308
  • American Chemical Society’s Student Affiliate Society of CVCC gives chemical science students practice in professional areas, including preparing and presenting technical material before chemical professionals. Advisor: Kim Browning,, 327-7000 ext. 4536.
  • Association of Respiratory Therapy Students promotes professionalism in respiratory care students. Members are involved in promoting healthy lifestyles and providing assistance at an asthma camp for children. Advisor: Cathy Bitsche,, 327-7000 ext. 4391 and Advisor: Jason Elder,, ext. 4083.
  • Automotive Systems Technology Club includes all automotive systems technology students. Members tour assembly plants, go to races, and volunteer with many campus events. Advisor: Charles Farnsworth,, 327-7000 ext. 4326.
  • Biology Club members promote community service, service learning, and outdoor recreation. Activities include wetlands restoration, biodiversity surveys, and waterfall hikes. Advisor: Emily Whiteley,, 327-7000 ext. 4361.
  • Business Leaders of Tomorrow provides out-of-the-classroom learning and experience to office administration, business, accounting and entrepreneurship students. Opportunities abound to build business and community relationships. Members are often able to attend conferences, seminars, and participate in educational trips. Advisor: Brenda DeLee,, 327-7000 ext. 4673.
  • CKI (Circle K, affiliated with Kiwanis International) is the largest collegiate community service, leadership development, and friendship organization in the world. Members work on campus and community service projects throughout the year. Advisor: Elizabeth Braun,, 327-7000 ext. 4007.
  • Collegiate Music Educators Club helps students become aware of employment in music education and performance. Members are exposed to professional learning opportunities in music and receive material about continuing music education at four-year institutions. Advisor: Caroline Simyon,, 327-7000 ext. 4305.
  • Communications Club promotes critical thinking across the disciplines and engages people in the art of communication.  This includes debate, interpreting and deriving meaning from nonverbal communication, improving interpersonal communication and relationships, training for job interviews, resume and cover letter writing, and intercultural communications.  Students will have speaking competitions and showcases each semester.  Advisor: Jason Earnhardt,, 327-7000 ext. 4078.
  • Computer Information Systems Security Club keeps members current on the latest security issues and fixes, promotes the CVCC information security program to high schools and in the community, and provides a scholarship for a student in the curriculum program. Advisor: Rick Barnes,, 327-7000 ext. 4312.
  • Cosmetology Club (The Cutting Edge) fosters the development of skills necessary to become successful cosmetologists. Members have a variety of activities and field trips. Advisor: Tammy Muller,, 327-7000 ext. 4108.
  • Criminal Justice Club designed to give students in the Criminal Justice and Latent Evidence program the opportunity for open exchange of ideas and knowledge pertaining to issues in the criminal justice field. Advisor: Sherry Herman,, 327-7000 ext. 4050.
  • CVANS gives nursing students an opportunity to complete service projects in the community. Advisor: Robin Caldwell,, 327-7000 ext. 4299; Pam Pinkerton,, ext. 4825.
  • CVCC Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) is an international organization that seeks to develop tomorrow’s leaders by embracing the purpose, love and forgiveness that God offers them in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Advisor: Amanda Crouse,, 327-7000 ext. 4365.
  • CVCC HMT/MOA works to networks with local practice administrators and business managers. They also tour and learn about career opportunities and participate in healthcare service events. Club members will be active on campus and host a variety of speaker forums. Advisors: Kim Ford,, 327-7000, ext. 4267, and Laura Richard,, ext. 4523.
  • CVCC Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender (LGBT) and Allies Club is open to all students. The purpose is to create a “safe zone” where all students can find help and support while promoting school spirit and equality. Advisor: Brian Bergman,, 327-7000 ext. 4720.
  • Early Childhood Club encourages students working in or seeking careers in the Early Childhood field. Advisor: Aden Cranford,, 327-7000 ext. 4575.
  • Electroneurodiagnostic Club members help market the END professions. Fundraising activities throughout the year mean club members can attend statewide seminars and workshops. Advisor: Sarah Hoffman Shelton,, 327-7000 ext. 4517.
  • Emerging Entrepreneur Club fosters the use of entrepreneurial thinking and helps develop the skills necessary to become successful business owners or managers. Members have a variety of activities during the school year, including speakers’ forums, field trips and special projects. Advisor: Gary Muller,, 327-7000 ext. 4672.
  • Engineering and Technology Club provides experiential learning opportunities for students and encourages collaboration among students from various engineering and technical disciplines. Advisor: Jim Thomas,, 327-7000, ext. 4202
  • Epsilon Sigma Pi-EMS Club encourages awareness, concern, and interest in the emergency medical care profession. The society shall promote services and fellowship through community improvement and awareness. Advisor: Paul Badgley,, 327-7000 ext. 4331.
  • Geology Club provides students with access to field trips and research opportunities in geology and environmental science. Volunteering, community service and stewardship are all practiced by the club. Advisor: Ron Teseneer,, 327-7000 ext. 4534.
  • Health Information Technology Club encourages HIT students to network with area Health Information Management professionals, mentor HIT students and provides a forum for student questions and concerns. Advisor: Debby Cook,, ext. 327-7000 ext. 4342.
  • HOSA Health Occupation Student Association is designed to generate awareness of health care professions and the delivery of quality health care. Advisor: Tanya Clanton,, 327-7000 ext. 4347.
  • Machining Club promotes student leadership development, supports student activities on campus, supports our local community, has fun outside the classroom and gets others excited about the area of machining.  Advisor: John Witlock,, 327-7000 ext. 4561.
  • Minority Males on the Move encourages minority males to attend and graduate from CVCC. Members explore employment opportunities and seek to prepare minority males with the right college courses. Advisor: Ron Carson,,327-7000 ext. 4571.
  • Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society that recognizes and encourages scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship. Membership invitations are extended to students who excel academically and in their service. Members participate in campus and community projects. Advisor: Tonya Stephens,, 327-7000 ext. 4109.
  • Polysomnography Club members are often found participating in community events promoting improved health care and good sleep hygiene. They actively promote the Polysomnography program throughout the area to ensure a continued pipeline of quality applicants. Advisor: Sarah Hoffman Shelton,, 327-7000 ext. 4517.
  • Radiography Club promotes communication among radiography students. Members attend a conference each year where they network with radiography professionals. Advisor: Robin Cornett,, 327-7000 ext. 4074.
  • Rotaract (affiliated with Rotary International) is a service club that gives members an opportunity to work on campus and community projects. Advisors: Teresa Biggs,, 327-7000 ext. 4288; Steve Hunt,, 327-7000 ext. 4570; Mary Beth Sjaardema,, ext. 4282.
  • Skills USA unites students in industrial, technical, health occupations and vocational trades. Club members acquire leadership skills, learn about and promote high professional standards and share in establishing career goals. Advisor: Gary Muller,, 327-7000 ext. 4672.
  • Student American Dental Hygiene Association gives dental hygiene students a chance to volunteer for and participate in community events. Guest speakers regularly present lively topics. Club members attend statewide scientific meetings. Advisors: Crystal Adams,, ext. 4158 and Lisa Campbell,, ext. 4157.
  • Student Government Association (SGA) sponsors activities open to all currently enrolled curriculum students. SGA activities promote cultural, social, physical, and academic growth. Programs sponsored include Fall and Spring Fling, N4C SGA conferences, co-curricular activities, and much more! Advisors: Bo Glenn,, 327-7000 ext. 4388; Debby  Cook,, ext. 4342; Mary Reynolds,, 327-7000 ext. 4387.
  • Student Photographic Society is a chapter of the national group sponsored by Professional Photographers of America. The club is involved in loads of campus and community events photographing and displaying their works. Advisor: Clayton Joe Young,, 327-7000 ext. 4467.
  • Students Striving for Success Club works to support the educational and vocational efforts of all students attending CVCC. They support academic advising and encourage all students to graduate. Service learning and college transfer initiatives are promoted. Advisor: Steve Hunt,, 327-7000 ext. 4573, Ron Carson,, ext. 4571.
  • Student Veteran’s Organization fosters support of Veterans and their dependants as well as current service members attending CVCC. Advisor: Ellen Gibbs,, 327-7000 ext. 4205.
  • Surgical Technology Club members participate in campus blood drives, walk-in community walk-a-thons, and raise funds for surgical technology “extras,” like a very special pinning ceremony. Advisor: Kimberly Holman,, 327-7000 ext. 4332.
  • Write Stuff Club promotes writing and writing workshops, sharing writings, entering writing contests and participating in writing challenges.  Advisor: Polly Watson,, 327-7000 ext. 4209.
  • Theater Arts Club gives all students a chance to be involved in theatrical events like dramatic readings, one-act plays, and storytelling. Follow on Facebook: Advisor: Kim Stinson,, 327-7000 ext. 4406.


Student Development

Student Services provides entry, support, and transition services to curriculum students. A definitive program of services is offered to assist students in satisfactorily selecting, entering, progressing within, and completing a program of study. In addition, students are provided with numerous opportunities for personal development and social growth through a variety of planned activities.


Student Government Association (SGA)

Each curriculum student enrolled at CVCC is automatically a member of the Student Government Association (SGA). SGA is intended to be a vehicle through which students have input into CVCC decisions and into the general welfare of students. The goals of this organization are to encourage student-faculty cooperation; provide democratic action in school activities; coordinate student activities; and maintain high standards for the school by upholding high personal standards of conduct. The SGA President is a nonvoting member of the Board of Trustees.

A student’s experience at Catawba Valley Community College does not begin and end in the classroom. Various activities, opportunities, and functions of a social and professional nature are offered by Student Government in order to provide a well-rounded campus atmosphere.


Student Resource Guide 2017-18

College policies and procedures are applicable to all students enrolled at CVCC, whether full-time, part-time, auditing, special credit, non-credit, or Career & College Promise. Information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. CVCC is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. The 2017-18 Student Resource Guide is found at on the CVCC website. The Student Resource Guide is a quick guide to CVCC Policies, Procedures, and other information that may be useful to students.


Technology Resources

Technology resources include, but are not necessarily limited to, computers, software, networks, internet access, telephones, voice mail, printers, scanners, copiers, and electronic (e-mail) services provided by CVCC. Technology resources also include CVCC web pages, social media sites sponsored by CVCC, and other online resources provided or sponsored by CVCC. This policy applies to all users of technology resources provided by CVCC. Compliance is critical to the security and integrity of technology resources and is mandatory.

CVCC is committed to moving students, faculty, and staff forward in an ever-changing technology rich learning environment. As part of this plan, CVCC will allow students and employees to bring their own mobile devices (BYOMD) during the teaching and learning day.

Use of technology resources shall be in compliance with local, state, and federal law. Use of technology resources shall comply with any contractual or professional obligations of CVCC. All users are responsible for using technology resources in an efficient, responsible, considerate, ethical, and lawful manner. Any information distributed by a user must accurately identify the creator, distributor, and recipient of that information.

Access to technology resources is a privilege rather than a right. Access may be withdrawn from those who use it inappropriately or irresponsibly. Users who violate any of the technology resource policies may be subject to disciplinary action and/or legal action.

Technology resources are to be used to fulfill CVCC’s mission. Acceptable uses by faculty and staff include:

  1. Use to complete the official work of the CVCC (including instruction and administration);
  2. Use directly related to academic research activities approved by CVCC;
  3. Use directly related to service on behalf of CVCC;
  4. Use directly related to professional development activities approved by CVCC; or
  5. Very limited non-commercial personal use as long as that use does not interfere with the work of the CVCC and does not create additional cost for CVCC.

Acceptable uses by students include:

  1. Use directly related to classes in which the student is officially enrolled;
  2. Use directly related to service activities approved by the College; or
  3. Very limited non-commercial personal use as long as that use does not interfere with the work of the CVCC and does not create additional cost for CVCC.

Technology resources may not be used for any purpose which is illegal, immoral, unethical, dishonest, damaging to the reputation of CVCC, inconsistent with the mission of CVCC, or which may subject CVCC to liability. Unacceptable uses of technology resources include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Harassment;
  2. Libel or slander;
  3. Fraud or misrepresentation;
  4. Destruction of or damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to the College or to others;
  5. Disruption or unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications;
  6. Unauthorized access of electronically stored information;
  7. Infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or the rights of others;
  8. Use of the CVCC logo without prior approval from the Director of Community Relations for the CVCC;
  9. Violation of computer system security;
  10. Unauthorized use of computer accounts, access codes (including passwords), or network identification numbers (including e-mail accounts) assigned to others;
  11. Unauthorized access to the CVCC’s information systems, Internet or other networked computers;
  12. Use of computer communications resources in ways that disrupt or impede the computing activities of others;
  13. Use of technology resources for commercial business purposes unrelated to CVCC, for personal profit, or for solicitation of resources for non-CVCC sponsored activities;
  14. Academic dishonesty;
  15. Violation of software license agreements;
  16. Violation of network usage policies and regulations;
  17. Violation of privacy;
  18. Posting, sending, or intentionally accessing pornographic, sexually explicit, or offensive material;
  19. Posting, sending, or intentionally accessing material that is contrary to the mission of CVCC;
  20. Intentional distribution of computer viruses, trojan horses, timebombs, worms, or other rogue programming; or
  21. Use of electronic mail (e-mail) for chain letters, pyramid schemes, unsolicited mass mailings (spamming).

All installations, modifications, and/or repairs of technology resources must be authorized by the Executive Officer of Technology Services Chief Operations Officer or designees. Unauthorized resources are subject to seizure by CVCC. The usage of CVCC technology resources may be monitored as authorized by the Executive Officer of Technology Services Chief Operations Officer or designee. CVCC personnel or designees will generally not access the content of user files except as follows: a. The user gives prior consent; b. CVCC needs to ensure the security or operating performance of its systems or networks; c. There is reasonable concern that a violation of CVCC policy or law has occurred; d. CVCC is complying with a valid subpoena or search warrant issued by a court of competent jurisdiction; or e. Other reasons as determined necessary by the President. Therefore, CVCC does not does not guarantee privacy regarding the use of its technology resources. Any questions as to the appropriate use of technology resources should be directed to the Executive Officer of Technology Services Chief Operations Officer.

The President or designee shall establish guidelines and procedures for the use of social media sites sponsored by CVCC.

CVCC supports the appropriate use of BYOMD devices in accordance with section 4.18 of the CVCC Policies.


Devices include, but are not limited to, smart phones, tablets, and other wireless communication devices. 

Device Support

The owner is responsible for the support and maintenance of their device. The Offices of Information Technology and Information Services may provide consultation on the type of smart-phone equipment to purchase, especially as it relates to applications that enable email and calendar support, but it is not responsible for ensuring (nor can it guarantee) compatibility between all makes and models of phones and CVCC systems. Most Internet capable devices will be able to access CVCC’s web-based platforms.

If you wish to purchase a smart-phone with “native” support for synchronizing with the CVCC’s email system, ask your service provider for options that support “over-the-air” connectivity to Microsoft Exchange and Google Apps. Examples include the Apple iPhone, most Android-based smart-phones, and Windows-based smart-phones. Please note that CVCC does not operate a Blackberry Enterprise Server and cannot guarantee compatibility between Blackberry devices and CVCC’s information systems.

Information is provided to mobile device owners for the purposes of supporting themselves or providing the carrier with necessary information to setup accounts linking a mobile device to a CVCC user’s account via CVCC’s Webpage. IT Staff may not be able to give any additional information beyond that which is published.


CVCC is not responsible for any data charges that might be incurred while using any CVCC electronic services.  This includes CVCC Web Applications, the MyCVCC Portal or the CVCC Go Application.

Conduct and Misuse

Users shall be responsible for any unauthorized and/or inappropriate access to college information that occurs from the misuse, loss or theft of mobile devices. If a user’s mobile device is configured to synchronize with email or other CVCC resources, the CVCC Technical Support HelpDesk (Ext. 4444) shall be notified if the device is lost or stolen so unauthorized and/or inappropriate access can be minimized.



Students are requested to be especially alert and careful in entering and leaving the school grounds. The maximum on-campus speed is 10 miles per hour. Employees, students, and visitors are expected to park in designated parking spaces only. Handicapped parking spaces are designated and are regulated by NC General Statutes. Vehicles parked in areas not designated for parking may be ticketed and/or towed at vehicle owner expense. CVCC will not be responsible for vehicles damaged while parked on the school premises, during towage, or while being stored.

In order to maintain open fire lanes and clear roadways in case of emergency, the Board of Trustees of CVCC has established parking regulations. Student and visitor parking shall be in the lots so designated. Students, faculty and staff parking will be unreserved and will require a parking hang tag which will be issued during registration.



Students who are making grades of 80 or below or who are retaking a class are eligible for free tutorial help. Students interested in either using the Learning Assistance Center or receiving a tutor should contact the Learning Assistance Center for additional information.


Veterans Affairs

Special needs and information about policies and procedures for veteran students and dependents using VA benefits are provided by the Veteran Certifying Official in Student Services, and the local county VA offices. Students desiring to use VA Educational benefits should come to Student Services for CVCC program information and admissions requirements. Students must be accepted in a VA approved program of study and meet all institutional and VA requirements before certification can be made to the Veterans Administration. The specific application for benefits can be made on line at Additional information regarding benefits, eligibility, policies, and procedures may be obtained from these offices.

Military Veterans, currently enrolled as students and utilizing VA education benefits, may receive the earliest Priority Date based on their official course registration date and class availability. These students must contact the VA Coordinator for their eligibility for priority enrollment.VA students are responsible for the payment of all tuition, fees, and books at registration. VA payments are made directly to the student after classes have begun, and may take sixty days or more for initial enrollment.

V.A. benefits will reimburse only for courses required in one specific program of study.

The Veteran Certifying Officials in Student Services are responsible for (1) maintaining the appropriate records regarding veteran enrollment and progress within an educational program, and (2) notifying the Veterans Administration of any change affecting the recipient’s enrollment status. Students receiving VA benefits must immediately notify the VA representative in Student Services of any change in their status to include dropping or adding classes, program changes, or new names and addresses. CVCC Student Services representatives are not employees of the Veterans Administration and are not responsible for VA policies, rules, or public laws which determine eligibility or payments. This includes, but is not limited to, the requirement that only required classes which specifically meet a graduation requirement for the approved program can be certified to the VA for the payment of benefits. Failure to comply with requests for documentation from the VA Certifying official(s) at CVCC may result in processing delays for benefits. Students using VA benefits must comply with all college satisfactory academic process guidelines and remain in good academic standing to continue receiving benefits. For additional information see the VA web page at:


Work Based Learning (WBL)

The work-based learning studies shall be integrated with the credit/curriculum programs of studies under the supervision of the Chief Academic Officer or designee. Operation of the program shall be in accordance with the policies and procedures stipulated by the North Carolina Community College System.

Work Based Learning (WBL) is a curriculum (credit) course that can provide on-the-job work experience for students enrolled in eligible programs. Students work in jobs related to their program of study and receive course credit for the learning that takes place on the job. Not all programs have WBL as an option and there are requirements that students must meet prior to enrolling in a WBL course. WBL options for eligible programs are listed in each program of study. Interested students may contact the Career Center at 828-327-7000, ext. 4812, or their advisor.

Military veterans may participate in the work-based learning program if otherwise eligible. Educational benefits (G. I. Bill) will be paid by the Veterans Administration for work-based learning courses if all requirements are met.


Writing Center

Learning Skills Specialists are available in the Writing Center located in the Cuyler A. Dunbar Building, Room 234, to assist students with sentence structure, paragraph development, grammar problems, and organization. Computers are available for student use for composing or revising papers. The resources for research are conveniently located nearby in the library. Also, the Writing Center offers an online writing assistance program called E-Help for distance learners. This service provides students the opportunity to submit written assignments for review by an online tutor Monday through Friday.