Feb 17, 2025  
Catawba Valley Community College 2023-2024 General Catalog 
Catawba Valley Community College 2023-2024 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty and Staff

CVCC President

Hinshaw, Garrett D.
B.S., M.A., Appalachian State University; Ed.D., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: ghinshaw@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4210

Williams, Sherry
Assistant to the President
A.G.E., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: swilliams@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4280

Alphabetical Employee Listing

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Alderman, Lesley
Instructional Specialist, School of Health Education
E-mail: lalderman@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4350

Anderson, Joey
Business & Accounting Faculty
B.S., Appalachian State University, B.S., UNC-Asheville, M.S., University of South Carolina, Certified Public Accountant.
Email: janderson272@cvcc.edu
Telephone Extension: 4046

Anderson, Ron
Furniture Instructor, Alexander Central High School

Andrews, Cynthia J
Administrative Assistant, Auxiliary Services
A.A.S., Durham Technical Community College.
E-mail: candrews@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4197

Annas, Randy
Maintenance/HVAC Technician
Telephone extension: 4236

Archer, Jennifer
Financial Aid Technician
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., East Carolina University.
E-mail: jarcher@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4220
Austin, Debbie
Director, Co-Admissions Program
B.S., Gardner-Webb University; M.A., UNC-Greensboro.
E-mail: daustin@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4572

Badgley, Paul (Nimon)
Dean, Community Development & Public Services Education
B.S., M.S., Western Carolina University.
E-mail: pbadgley@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4331

Barkley, Dedee
Assistant Controller, Business Office
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: dbarkley@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4304

Barnes, Daniel
Welding Instructor
A.A.S., Welding Technology, Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: dbarnes295@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4836

Barnes, Ricky A
Director, Information Technology Education; Senior Professor, CyberSecurity
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.I.T., M.I.T., American Intercontinental University. Certifications: Cisco Certified Network Associate; Cisco Certified Academy Instructor, EC-Council Network Security Administration.
E-mail: rbarnes@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4312

Beatty, Barbara
Director, Health Information Technology
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., University of Cincinnati.
E-mail: bbeatty@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4104

Benge, Jessalyn
EMS Clinical Coordinator
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College, B.A., UNC-Charlotte, M.S. Western Carolina University.
E-mail: jbenge587@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4347

Bentley, Christine
Radiography Clinical Coordinator
A.A.S., Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute; B.S., Western Governor’s University.
Email: cbentley416@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4248

Biehler, Jacob
Welding Instructor
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: jbiehler145@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4735

Black, Carla
Continuing Education Enrollment Manager
A.A., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: cblack@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4306

Blackwelder, Jerry Bryan
Automotive Instructor
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-Mail: bblackwelder899@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4348

Blake, Susan
Director, Business/Technology Training/Corporate Development Center
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University.
E-mail: sblake@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 433

Box, Jessy
Welding Faculty
Diploma, Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: jbox564@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4165

Brandon, Carolyn D.
Director, Scholarships and Financial Aid
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., Gardner-Webb University.
E-mail: cbrandon@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4244

Braun, Elizabeth
Department Head, Rhetoric & Composition; Co-Director North Carolina Teaching & Learning West Lab
B.A., Western Illinois University; M.Ed., Augusta State University; Ed. D. Gardner Webb University.
E-mail: ebraun@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4007

Brittain, Laura
Facility Office Service Technician
A.A.S. Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: lbrittian@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4236

Brooks, Brittanie
ERP System Applications Specialist
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: bbrooks@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4035

Brooks-Livingston, Ethan
History Faculty
B.A., Judson College; M.A. University of Alabama; M.A., Appalachian State University.
Telephone Extension: 4458

Brotherton, Carla
Instructional Scheduling Coordinator
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: cbrotherton@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4077

Brown, Amy
Cosmetology Faculty
The Paul Mitchell School.
Telephone extension: 4118

Brown, Ashley K.
Sociology/Political Science Faculty
A.A., Catawba Valley Community College; B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University; M.P.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: abrown@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4223

Buchanan, Cathy
Accounts Payable/Equipment Coordinator, Business Office
Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: cbuchanan@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4175

Buchanan, Krysten
Department Head, Academic Success 
B.A., M.A., Western Carolina University; Ed.S., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: kbuchanan@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4691

Buff, Tammy S.
Human Resource Development Coordinator
B.S., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: tbuff@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4819

Buitrago-Gonzalez, Mirelly
Spanish Faculty
B.A., University of Puerto Rico; M.S., Minnesota State University; M.A., University of Puerto Rico; Ed. D., Metropolitan University, San Juan.
E-mail: mbuitrago@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4079

Bumgarner, Kristen
Enrollment Manager
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.A., New Mexico State University; M.S., Kansas State University.
E-mail: kbumgarner@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4064

Bunch, Wes G.
Senior Vice-President, Finance and Operations
B.S., East Carolina University; M.A., Appalachian State University; CPA.
E-mail: wbunch@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4271

Burns, Randy
Senior Executive Director, Corporate & Economic Development
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College
E-mail: rburns@cvcc.edu

Butler, Carrie
Secretary, Dental Hygiene
Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: cbutler@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4164

Caldwell, Lanny
Director of Telecommunications
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: lcaldwell@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4663

Campbell, Everette
A.A., Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute.
E-mail: ecampbell@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4236

Campbell, Meredith
Mathematics Faculty
M.A., Appalachian State University; B.A., Western Carolina University.
E-mail: mcampbell567@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4422

Canipe, Robert
Rhetoric & Composition Faculty/Editor-In-Chief, Redhawk Publications
A.A., Catawba Valley Community College; B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University; M.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: rcanipe@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4380

Cardenas, Blanca
Coordinator of Career Services, Retention, and Recruitment
A.A.S., Western Piedmont Community College.
E-mail: bcardenas@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4090

Carrillo, Martha
Scholar Advisor
B.S., Gardner-Webb University.
E-mail: mcarrillo789@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4577

Carroll, (Millicent) Hope
Director, Advertising and Graphic Design
E-mail: mcarroll418@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4086

Carson, Ron
Coordinator for the Office of Student Equity and Engagement
B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University.
E-mail: rcarson@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4571

Carver, Donna
Psychology/Political Science Faculty
B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University; M.A., M.P.A., Appalachian State University; LCMHCA-Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician; LCAS-Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist
Telephone Extension: 4623

Castillo, Shauna
Client Intake Coordinator, Manufacturing Solutions Center
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: scastillo@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4124

Chafin, Deborah
Administrative Assistant, Health & Public Services Innovation Center
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: dchafin@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4122

Childers, Sherry
Administrative Assistant, Tarlton Complex
A.A.S., A.A., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: schilders@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4407

Chownyk, Ronald J.
Engineering Technologies Faculty
B.S.E.E., Lawrence Institute of Technology.
E-mail: rchownyk@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4748

Clanton, Daniel
Vice President for Technology and Innovation
B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University; M.S., American Intercontinental University.
E-mail: jdclanton@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4311

Clanton, Tanya
Nursing Faculty
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., Appalachian State University; M.S.N., Walden University.
E-mail: tclanton@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4335

Cobb, Jennifer
Chief of Red Hawk Communications
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.A., North Carolina State University; M.S., Arizona State University.
E-mail: jcobb@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4020

Collie, Roy
Rhetoric & Composition Faculty
A.A., Catawba Valley Community College; B.A., M.A., UNC-Greensboro.
E-mail: acollie@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4607

Collins, Cassidy
Marketing Support
B.A., UNC-Wilmington; B.F.A., UNC-Wilmington.
E-mail: ccollins541@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4592

Connor, Daniel
Technology Inventory Coordinator
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: dconner@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4465

Conway, Erin
Financial Aid Technician/V.A. Certifying Official
A.A., Central Piedmont Community College; B.A., UNC-Charlotte.
E-mail: econway892@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4851

Cornett, Robin
Dean, School of Health Education
Certificate, Wilkes General Hospital School of Radiologic Technology; A.A., Wilkes Community College; B.S., Gardner-Webb University; M.A., Western Carolina University. 
E-mail: rcornett@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4074

Cortello, David
Music Faculty
B.A., Loyola University; M.A., PhD., Louisiana State University.
E-mail: dcortello223@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4396

Cox, Sharon
Office Manager, ACE
Southwest Virginia Community College.
E-mail: scox@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: (828)632-8221, ext. 310

Cranford, Aden W.
Dean, School of Career and Technical Education
B.A., M.S., University of Tennessee.
E-mail: acranford@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4575

Crouse, Amanda B.
Director, Information Systems
B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University.
E-mail: acrouse@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4365

Crump, Kathy
Economics/Business Faculty
B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University; M.E., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: kcrump@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4368

Dalton, Cody
Public Information Officer/Sports Information Director
B.A., University of Virginia’s College at Wise.
E-mail:  cdalton@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4133

Daniels, Judy
Cosmetology Faculty
Certificate, Diploma, A.A.S., Mitchell Community College.
E-mail: jdaniels@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4762

Davis, William
Biology Faculty
A.A.S., Western Piedmont Community College; B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University; D.C. Palmer College of Chiropractic.
E-mail: wdavis@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension:  4091

Deal, Clyde
Chief of Security and Law Enforcement Education
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., Gardner Webb University.
E-mail: cdeal@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4573

Dougherty, Mary
Biology Faculty
B.S., University of Kentucky; M.S., Old Dominion University.
E-mail: mdougherty@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4535

Downing, Damon
HVAC Maintenance Mechanic
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
Telephone extension: 4236
Duke, Rachel
Enrollment Management
A.A., Catawba Valley Community College; B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University; M.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: rduke656@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4569
Dyson, Nick
HR Information Systems Data Specialist
B.S., M.B.S., Liberty University.
Telephone extension:  4812

Earnhardt, Jason
Communication Faculty
B.A., UNC-Charlotte; M.A., UNC-Chapel Hill.
E-mail: jearnhardt@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4078

Eller, Richard E.
Executive Director, Red Hawk Publishing
A.A., Caldwell Community College; B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University; M.A., UNC-Charlotte.
E-mail: reller@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4620

Eller, Ted
Sharepoint Administrator
A.A., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: teller@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4006

Elliott, Greg
HVAC/Electrical Mechanic/Facility Services
Telephone extension: 4236

Elliott, Ken
Executive Director of Auxiliary Services
B.A., UNC-Chapel Hill; M.A., Appalachian State University; Ph.D., Capella University.
E-mail: kelliott@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4249

England, Tisha
Academic Coordinator/Head Women’s Basketball Coach
B.A., University of South Carolina at Aiken.
E-mail: tengland@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4014

Erwin, Kayla
Dental Hygiene Faculty
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S.P.H. UNC-Greensboro.
E-mail: kerwin415@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4324

Evanko, Dawn
Analytical Lab Technician, Manufacturing Solutions Center
Allentown High School.
E-mail: devanko@cvcc.edu

Filip, David
Welding Faculty
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: dfilip822@cvcc.edu
Telephone: 828-632-8221, ext. 308

Flowers, Judy
Nursing Faculty
B.S.N., Western Carolina University; M.Ed., Appalachian State University; M.S.N., UNC-Charlotte. Certification in Gerontology from the American Nursing Association-Board Certified.
E-mail: jflowers@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4340

Fonseca, David
Dean, School of General Education
B.A., Universidad Veracruzana; M.S.A., UNC-Charlotte; Ed.D., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: dfonseca435@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4205

Ford, Kim
Senior Professor, Healthcare Management/Medical Office Admin
A.A.S., Gaston College; A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: kford@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4267

Fountain, Shawn
Program Director, Redhawk Publications
B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University; M.A., Ed.S.L.S., Appalachian State University; Microsoft IT Academy.
E-mail: sfountain@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4463

Fox, Piper
Sales Associate, Campus Store
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: pfox393@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4003

Frady, Kaleb
EMS Faculty
B.S. Western Carolina University.
E-mail: kfrady068@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4262

Fredell, Anna
FTE Record Technician, Business Office
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: afredell@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4322

Frye, Chris
Computer Technician, Information Technology
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College. Certifications: A+.
E-mail: cfrye@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4399

Gabrys, Joshua
Information Systems Database Technician/Technical Asst.
B.S., UNC-Charlotte; A.A., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: jgabrys763@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4563

Garmroth, Bryan
Health/PE Instructor/Head Men’s Basketball Coach
B.S., University of West Alabama at Livingston; M.Ed., Arkansas Technical University at Russeville.
E-mail: bgarmroth@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4632

Geis, Jodi B.
Special Projects Coordinator
B.S., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: jgeis@manufacturingsolutionscenter.org  
Telephone extension: 4115

Geymont, Katy
Nursing Faculty
M.S.N., East Carolina University.
E-mail: kgeymount727@cvcc.edu
Telephone Extension: 4341

Gibbs, Elen
Director, Student Services for the Alexander Center
A.A., Catawba Valley Community College., B.S., Salem College.
E-mail: egibbs@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 828-632-8221 ext. 349

Gibbs, Jon
Associate Dean, Enrollment Management
A.A., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., Gardner-Webb University; M.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University.
Telephone extension: 4403

Godwin, Nikonya
Department Head, Respiratory Therapy
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College, B.S., UNC-Charlotte.
E-mail: ngodwin985@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4243

Gomez, Jacqueline
Cashier/Accounts Receivable Technician, East Campus Business Office
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: jgomez@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4393

Graham, Rusty
Department Head, Emergency Management, Fire Protection Technology, Public Safety Administration
B.A., UNC-Charlotte; M.S., Eastern Kentucky University; Ed.D., Gardner Webb University.
E-mail: rgraham911@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4903 

Hamby, Joseph
History Faculty
A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.A., Mountain State University; M.A., Western Carolina University.
E-mail: jhamby259@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4670

Hamilton, Ariel
Communication Faculty
B.A., M.A., Wichita State University.
E-mail: ahamilton@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4677

Hamm, Jennifer
Chief Business Administrator, Business Office
A.A., Western Piedmont Community College; B.S., UNC-Asheville; M.B.A., Gardner-Webb University; CPA.
E-mail: jhamm@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4815

Harbinson, Justin
Rhetoric & Composition Faculty
B.A., UNC-Chapel Hill; M.F.A., University of San Francisco.
E-mail: jharbinson656@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 828-632-8221 x325

Harper, April
Enrollment Manager
A.A., Catawba Valley Community College; B.A., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: aharper097@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4745

Hartsoe, Erin
Payroll Manager, Business Office
B.A., UNC-Charlotte.
E-mail: ehartsoe@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4679

Harvey, Bryan K.
Assistant Baseball Coach/Assistant Athletic Academic Support
E-mail:  kharvey@cvcc.edu

Haugh, Amy
Learning Assistance English/Writing Center Coordinator
B.S., M.L.S., Appalachian State University; Additional studies, Appalachian State University.
E-mail: ahaugh@cvcc.edu
Telephone Extension: 4710

Haynes, Leah
Early Childhood Education Instructor
A.A., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S. UNC-Greensboro; M.A. Appalachian State University.
E-mail: lhaynes953@cvcc.edu
Telephone Extension: 4044

Hendrix, Doreen
Director of Marketing
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: dhendrix@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4258

Henderson, Brandi
Fiber Analysis Lab Technician,  Manufacturing Solutions Center
A.F.A., Gaston Community College.
E-mail: bhenderson@manufacturingsolutionscenter.org
Telephone extension: 4504

Herman, Sherry
Department Head, Criminal Justice, Social Sciences and Economics
A.A.S., Western Piedmont Community College; B.S., Lees-McRae College; M.C.J., Boston University. Certified Criminal and Intelligence Analysis.
E-mail: sherman@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4050

Hicks, Latanya (Nikki)
Department Head, Dental Education
A.A.S., York Technical College, B.S., Michigan State University, M.H.A., Pfeiffer University, D.H.A., Medical University of South Carolina.
E-mail: lhicks@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4631

Hill, Jamie G.
Engineering/Engineering Technologies Faculty
B.S., Lenoir-Rhyne University; M.S., Appalachian State University, Certified SolidWorks Associate.
E-mail: jhill378@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4231

Hoffa, Judith (Lori)
Early College Program Administrator/Challenger Early College Liaison
B.A., Brigham Young University.
E-mail: lhoffa319@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4572 

Hoke, Peggy
Student Records Technician
E-mail: phoke@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4217

Holland, Rusty
Maintenance Mechanic HVAC/Facility Services
Diploma, Catawba Valley Community College.
Telephone extension: 4236

Holt, Ashley
Social Media Specialist
B.A., Campbell University.
E-mail: aholt830@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4386

Howard, Amy
Director of Clinical Education,Respiratory Therapy
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., UNC-Charlotte; M.S., UNC-Charlotte.
E-mail: ahoward043@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4083 

Hoyle, Dana
Student Records Technician
B.S., UNC-Charlotte.
E-mail: dhoyle@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4261

Hudson, Shannon
Enrollment Manager
B.A., Gardner-Webb University.
E-mail: shudson@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4239

Huffman, Dana
Health Information Technology Faculty
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: dhuffman329@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4088

Huffman, Hailey
Cosmetology Faculty
Diploma, A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; Diploma, Mitchell Community College.
E-mail: hhuffman@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension:  4695

Hunt, Priscilla
Student Services Technician
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: phunt@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4193

Hypes, Jill
CCP Program Facilitator, Career and College Promise
A.A., Patrick Henry Community College; B.A., Roanoke College.
E-mail: jhypes190@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4426

Ingle, Alexandra
Director, Early Childhood Education
B.S., Western Carolina University; M.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University.
E-mail: aingle@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4515

Irvin, Roger M.
Chief Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion Officer
B.A., Thiel College; M.S., Western Carolina University.
E-mail: rirvin@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4277

Jernigan, Rebecca A.
Coordinator, CVCC Tarlton Complex
B.S., Auburn University.
E-mail: rjernigan@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4624

Johnson, John
Welding Faculty, Bandys High School
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: jjohnson610@cvcc.edu
Telephone: 828-241-3171 x5605

Johnson, Rita
Cashier/Accounts Receivable, Business Office
A.A.S., Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute.
E-mail: rjohnson@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4276

Jones, Jennifer
Chief Development Officer/Executive Director, CVCC Foundation, Inc.
B.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: jjones555@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4288

Jolly, Vincent
Analytical Laboratory Technician, Manufacturing Solutions Center
B.S., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: vjolly272@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4029

Joyner, Sarah
Sociology Faculty
B.A., St. Joseph’s College; M.A., St. John’s University; M.S., Molloy College.
E-mail; sjoyner032@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension; 4080

Keatts, Laurie
Mathematics Faculty
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State University; M.S.W., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: lkeatts@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4538

Kelley, Kimberly
Instructional Specialist, School of General Educational
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: kkelley@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4693

Khang, May
Enrollment Manager
B.A., M.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University; Ed.D, Walden University.
E-mail: mkhang@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4221

Kiefer, Jeff
Director, Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts 
B.F.A., Savannah College of Art and Design; M.F.A., East Carolina University.
E-mail: jkiefer@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4373

King, Dustin
Department Head of Astronomy, Mathematics, & Physics
B.S., M.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: dking250@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4533

King, Sonya
Instructional Specialist
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: aking@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4409

Kirby, Richard Alan
Construction Manager
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: akirby@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4481

Kistler, Kelly Brooke
Nursing Faculty
B.S.N., Appalachian State University; M.S.N., UNC-Charlotte; Ph.D., East Carolina University.
E-mail: kkistler@cvcc.edu
Telephone Extension: 4338

Kuczenski, Robert
Automotive Instructor, St. Stephens High School
A.A., State University of New York College.
E-mail: rkuczenski791@cvcc.edu

Kugel, Joshua
Learning Skills Specialist, Learning Assistance Center
A.S., Catawba Valley Community College, B.A., UNC-Chapel Hill.
E-mail: jkugel@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4012

Lail, Janet W.
Continuing Education Enrollment Manager
E-mail: jwlail@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4116

Lail, Jonathan
Print Design Services Coordinator
B.A., Chowan University; M.A., Savannah College of Art & Design.
E-mail: jflail@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4039

Lanier, Vera
Director, College & Career Readiness
B.S., Appalachian State University; M.A., East Carolina University.
E-mail: vlanier@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4021

Laramie, Lily
Student Entrepreneurship Coordinator
A.A., Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute; B.A., UNC-Asheville.
E-mail: llaramie902@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4112

Lee, Gary
Campus Base Security Officer
A.A.S., Caldwell Community College; B.S., Gardner Webb University.
E-mail: glee000@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4638

Lee, Mulan
HR Generalist
B.S., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: mlee909@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4230

Lee, Tim
Spanish Faculty
B.A., Gardner-Webb University; M.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: tlee@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4482

Lefevers, Christy
Associate Dean, Workforce Connectivity 
A.A.S., Western Piedmont Community College; B.S., M.A., Gardner-Webb University; CPA.
E-mail: clefevers@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4308

LeGrand, Erin
Executive Officer of Research and Accountability, Institutional Accreditation Liaison to SACSCOC
B.A., UNC-Chapel Hill; M.P.A., Ed.D., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: elegrand@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4022

Lerm, Meredith
Scholar Advisor
B.S., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: mlerm624@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4366

Lewallen, Courtney
Rhetoric & Composition Faculty
B.A., M.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: clewallen304@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4040

Likin, Amelia
Rhetoric & Composition Faculty
A.A. Wallace Community College; B.S., Troy University; M.E., Concordia University.
Telephone Extension: 4045

Lindsay, Katherine S
Chemistry Faculty
B.S., M.S., Appalachian State University.
Telephone extension:  4066

Lor, Bai
Web Development, Manufacturing Solutions Center
B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University.
E-mail: lblor@manufacturingsolutionscenter.org
Telephone extension: 4485

Lombardi, M. Savann
Assistant to the Vice President of Teaching and Learning, Event Specialist
A.A., Brevard Community College; B.S., University of Central Florida.
E-mail: slombardi621@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4065

Loss, Jonathan E.
Dean, Enrollment Management
B.S., Montreat College; M.A., Appalachian State University; Ed.D., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: jloss@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4526

Lowman, Kendra
Department Head, EMS
B.S., M.S., Ed.D., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: klowman216@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4372

Ly, Cindy
Continuing Education Administrative Support
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.B.A, Franklin University.
E-mail: cly@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4432

Lynch, S. Shane
Fiber Analysis Manager, Manufacturing Solutions Center
B.S., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: slynch@manufacturingsolutionscenter.org
Telephone extension: 4146

Lynn, Sarah
Clinical Coordinator, Surgical Technology
A.G.E, Cleveland Community College
E-mail: slynn257@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4771

Mabe, Jessica P.
Mathematics Faculty
M.A., Appalachian State University; B.S., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: jmabe657@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension:  4252

Marhao, Vasilica
Math Faculty
M.S., University of Babesh-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; M.A., Ashland Theological Seminary, Division of Ashland University.
E-mail: vmarhao@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4529

Martin, Kendall Joy
Art Faculty
B.A., UNC-Chapel Hill; M.A., West Virginia University.
E-mail: kmartin654@cvcc,edu
Telephone extension: 4913

Martin, Lemuel
B.L.E.T. Director
A.A.S., Stanley Community College; Certificate North Carolina State University.
E-mail: lsmartin@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4583

Mayo, Angela
Director, Marine Mechanical Technology
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., UNC-Greensboro.
E-mail: amayo095@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4739

McCann, Jill
Microscopy Testing, Manufacturing Solutions Center
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College. Twenty years in the textile industry.
E-mail: jmccann@manufacturingsolutionscenter.org
Telephone extension: 4520

McClain, Shelby
Apprenticeship Regional Coordinator
B.A., Piedmont College; M.S., Brenau University.
E-mail: smcclain533@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4427

McCoy-Steward, Taiasha J.
Dental Hygiene Continuing Education Instructor
A.A.S., York Technical College; B.A., Ashford University; M.A.Ed., University of Arizona.
E-mail: tmccoystewart417@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4238

McCrary, Katie
Health and Fitness Science Faculty
M.A., Appalachian State University.
Email: kmccrary417@cvcc.edu

McDonald, Marshall
Assistant Baseball Coach/Turfgrass Program Assistant
B.A., Montreat College.
E-mail: mmcdonald@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4084

McGee, Craig
Engineering Technologies Faculty
A.A.S., Western Piedmont Community College; B.S.E.E., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: cmcgee@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4303

McGinnis, Jeanne
Mathematics Faculty
B.A., Davidson College; M.H.A., Medical College of Virginia.
E-mail: jmcginnis@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4528

McGuire, Andrew
Electrical System Faculty
E-mail: amcguire267@cvcc.edu

McRary, Anita
Outreach and Instruction Librarian, Library
B.S., Armstrong Atlantic State University; M.A., Georgia Southern University; M.L.S., UNC-Greensboro.
E-mail: amcrary608@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4232

Melton, Brice
Vice President, Teaching and Learning/Chief Academic Officer 
B.A., Meredith College; M.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University.
E-mail: bmelton@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4128

Meyers, Deb
Instructional Specialist, School of Career and Technical Education
A.A.S., Suomi College.
E-mail: dmeyers580@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4005

Minish, Amanda
Cosmetology Faculty
Diploma, McDowell Technical Community College; North Carolina State Board of Cosmetic Art; Cosmetologist License and Instructor License.
E-mail: aminish@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4113

Miryala, Karthik
Physics Instructor
E-mail: kmiryala695@cvcc.edu

Mitchell, Michael
Furniture Technology Faculty, DOC
E-mail: mmitchell@cvcc.edu

Moore, Alvin
Chemistry Faculty
B.S., Rhodes College; Ph.D., UNC-Chapel Hill.
E-mail: amoore@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4245

Moore, Christopher
History/Religion Faculty
B.A., Campbell University; M. Div., Campbell University; M. Th., Duke University; Ph. D., Baylor University.
Telephone Extension: 4377
Moore, Kristie
HR Generalist
A.A.S., Guilford Technical Community College; B.A., UNC-Greensboro.
Telephone Extension: 4103

Morello, Chanell Butler
Chief of Staff
B.A., New York University; M.S., Barry University; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University.
E-mail: cmorello@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4352

Morgan, Brian
Welding Faculty, Bunker Hill High School
Diploma, Catawba Valley Community College.
Telephone : 828-241-3355, ext. 320622

Morris, Frances
Criminal Justice/Forensic Faculty
A.A.S., Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College; B.S., Western Carolina University; M.C.J., McNeese State University.
E-mail: fmorris935@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4255

Morrison, Brian
Welding Faculty, Bandys High School
Diploma, Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: bmorrison@cvcc.edu
Telephone: 828-241-3171, ext. 5605

Moua, Golia
Administrative Assistant, Safety Security and Health
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
Telephone extension: 4760
Mull, Natalie
Scholar Advisor
B.S., Appalachian State University; M.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University.
E-mail: nmull@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4455
Mull, Shawn
Department Head, Automotive Systems Technology
A.A.S., Gaston College;  ASE - Advanced level Certified Specialist; ASE - Master Certified Technician.
Telephone extension: 4209

Muller, Gary
Executive Dean, Economic Development and Corporate Education
B.A., M.B.A., Wake Forest University; CPA. Member of AICPA and NCACPA, NACCE Fellow.
E-mail: gmuller@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4672

Muller, Tammy
Executive Director, Strategic Business Partnerships and Skills USA
Diploma, Cosmetic Arts Academy; B.S., Mountain State University.
Certifications: Human Resources Management and Entrepreneurship.
E-mail: tmuller@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4323

Mullins, Chris
Groundskeeper/Facility Services
Diploma, South Caldwell High School.
Telephone extension: 4236

Nettesheim, Cheryl
Antimicrobial Lab Technician, Manufacturing Solutions Center
B.S., University of Wisconsin - River Falls.
E-mail: cnettesheim907@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4512
Nields, David
Theatre Faculty, School of General Education
M.F.A, Catholic University.
Telephone extension: 4749

Neuville, Jeffrey L.
Manufacturing Solutions Center
B.S., UNC-Chapel Hill; M.S., University of Maryland.
E-mail: jneuville@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4102

Norton, Jamie
Department Head, Business, Accounting, Turfgrass Management
B.S., B.A. Appalachian State University; M.Ed., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: jnorton721@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4410

Page, Jessica G.
Executive Director, Academic Management and Operations
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: jpage@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4362

Parker, Latrice W.
Software Technician, Information Technology
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., Gardner-Webb University, M.S., North Carolina A & T University.
E-mail: lparker@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4363

Pendleton, Jeffrey
Senior Groundskeeper/Facility Services
Telephone extension: 4236

Phillips, Jordan
Turfgrass Management Instructor
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: jphillips568@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4250

Plumley, Kelly
Registar, Student Services
B.S., Western Carolina University; M.P.A., Appalachian State University; CPP (LERN).
E-mail: kplumley@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4395

Poarch, McKinsey
CNA/Nursing Faculty
M.S.N., UNC-Wilmington.
E-mail: mpoarch684@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4206

Pogue, Shawn
Head Volleyball Coach/Business Operations Coordinator
A.A., Catawba Valley Community College; B.A., North Greenville University; M.B.A., North Greenville University.
E-mail: mpogue525@cvcc.edu
Telephone 704-928-5608

Poole, Melissa
CNA Lead Faculty
A.A.S., Rock Valley College; B.S.N., University of Phoenix; M.S.N., UNC-Charlotte. 
E-mail: mpoole182@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4224

Pope, Deanna
Business Office Liaison, Manufacturing Solutions Center
B.S., Gardner-Webb University.
E-mail: dpope@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4494

Pope, Mitchell
Groundskeeper/Facilities Services
Telephone extension: 4236
Price, Caroline
Analytical Lab Technician,Manufacturing Solutions Center
A.A.S., Gaston College; B.S., Appalachian State University. 
E-mail: cprice162@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4519
Putnam, Larry
Executive Vice President
B.S., Appalachian State Univeristy; M.A., Gardner-Webb University;
Ed.S., Ed.D., Appalachian State University. 
Teaching License, Appalachian State University.
Telephone extension: 4228

Ray, Kim
Communication Faculty
B.A., Elon University; M.A., North Dakota State University; M.M., UNC-Greensboro.
E-mail: kray@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4810

Ray, Teresa
Director, Career Advising
B.A., M.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University.
E-mail: tray@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4806

Redd, Sandra
Purchasing Agent, Business Office
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
Email: sredd571@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4367

Reep, Regina A.
Sociology Faculty
B.S., M.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: rreep@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4110

Reese, Chris W.
Executive Director, K64
B.A., North Carolina State University, M.B.A., UNC-Pembroke.
E-mail: creese147@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4635

Rhodarmer, Stephen
Director, Emergency Management and Fire Continuing Education Programs
E-mail: srhodarmer@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4423 

Richard, Fred
Senior Professor, Computer Science/Information Technology Education
B.S., North Carolina State University; M.S., UNC-Charlotte.
E-mail: frichard@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4491

Richard, Laura D.
Department Head, Healthcare Mgt Tech, Medical Office Admin & Health Continuing Education
B.S.P.H., UNC-Chapel Hill; M.H.A., Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University.
E-mail: lrichard@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4523

Richardson, Libby
Enrollment Manager
B.A., UNC-Charlotte; M.A. Appalachian State University.
E-mail: erichardson255@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4726

Rice, Angie
Continuing Education Enrollment Manager
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: anrice@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4319

Roane, James
Director, Automotive Systems Technology
ASE, Advanced Level Specialist Certified; ASE, Master Automobile Technician Certified.
E-mail: jroane@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4324

Robinson, Mark
Assistant Director, Facility Services
Diploma, Catawba Valley Community College.
Telephone extension: 4236

Robinson, Ramie
Director, Electrical Systems Technology
Certificate, Isothermal Community College; Diploma, Catawba Valley Community College; North Carolina Electrical Contractors License. 
E-mail: rrobinson706@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4354

Rogers, Matt
Fire Academy and Weekend College Coordinator 
E-mail: mrogers262@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension:4714 

Ross, Bryan
HVAC Mechanic, Facility Services
Telephone extension: 4236

Ross, Donna B.
Director of Instruction, AEC
B.A., M.A., Ed.S., Ed.D., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: dross@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4111

Ross, Robin
Vice President, K-64 and Talent Development
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., East Carolina University; M.S., Mountain State University.
E-mail: rross@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4462

Rutherford, Shelisha
Analytical Lab Technician, Manufacturing Solutions Center
Catawba Valley Community College; Brookstone Business College.
E-mail: srutherford@manufacturingsolutionscenter.org
Telephone extension: 4145

Schroeder, Nicholas
Executive Director of Student Life
B.S., Elon University; M.S., University of Louisville.
E-mail: nschroeder@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4041

Schwartz, Thomas
Psychology Faculty
B.A., University of Education; M.S., Walden University; M.B.A., University of Phoenix; M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary. 
E-mail: tschwartz135@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4378

Scott, Johnny
Minority Community Liaison
M.A., Appalachian State University; Ph.D., North Carolina A&T State University.
E-mail: jscott@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4347

Settlemyre, Kimberly
Counselor for Students with Disabilities and Special Programs, Learning Support
A.A., Jamestown Community College; B.S., Buffalo State College; M.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: ksettlemyre411@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4222

Setzer, Seth
Structural Testing/Product Developmental Specialist, Manufacturing Solutions Center
E-mail: ssetzer829@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4449

Shatley, Timothy
Mathematics Faculty
B.S., Appalachian State University, M.S., Louisiana State University.
E-mail: tshatley650@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4346

Sigmon, Kaitlin
Analytical Lab Technician, Manufacturing Solutions Center
B.S., Western Carolina University.
E-mail: kaitlins@manufacturingsolutionscenter.org
Telephone extension: 4683

Sigmon, Kimberly
Analytical Lab Technician, Manufacturing Solutions Center
Twelve years experience in the Hosiery industry.
E-mail: ksigmon@manufacturingsolutionscenter.org
Telephone extension: 4189

Sigmon, Mark
Department Head, Welding Technology 
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: msigmon@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4358

Sigmon, Rodney L.
Textile Research and Development Specialist, Manufacturing Solutions Center
Sixteen years experience in the Hosiery industry.
E-mail: rsigmon@manufacturingsolutionscenter.org
Telephone extension: 4144

Simmons, Felicia H.
Vice President for Diversity and Engagement
B.A., Winston-Salem State University, M.A, Ed.D., Gardner-Webb University.
E-mail: fsimmons136@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4580

Sims, Christie
Scholar Advisor
B.A., UNC-Charlotte; M.A. Lenoir-Rhyne University.
E-mail:  csims345@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4135

Simyon, Caroline
Director, Associate in Fine Arts in Music
B.A., M.M., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: csimyon@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4305

Singletary, Elliot
Psychology Faculty
M.A. Psychology, Washington College
E-mail: esingletary240@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4073

Sisk, Buffy
Enrollment Manager
B.S., M.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: bsisk701@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4106

Small, Rick A.
Knitting Technician Training, Manufacturing Solutions Center
B.S. Western Carolina University.
E-mail: rsmall@manufacturingsolutionscenter.org
Telephone extension: 4265

Smith, Athena
Executive Director, Technology and Innovation
Certificate, Cleveland Community College; B.A., UNC-Charlotte; M.S., East Carolina University. 
E-mail: asmith509192@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4565

Smith, Kristen
Biology Faculty
B.S., Appalachian State University; M.Ed., Western Governors University.
E-mail: ksmith180@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4053

Snow, Teresa
Rhetoric & Composition Faculty
B.A., Western Carolina University; M.A., Wake Forest University.
E-mail: tsnow@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4389

Starnes, Michael
Department Head/Furniture Production Technology, DOC
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.

Stewart, Brandy
Financial Aid Technician
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., Western Carolina University.
E-mail: bstewart@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4450

Stinson, Kim
Department Head, Humanities
B.F.A., North Carolina School of the Arts; M.A., Miami University (Ohio); M.F.A., Spalding University.
E-mail: kstinson@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4406

Stroupe, John R. 
Sociology Faculty
B.S., History, Appalachian State University; M.A., Furman University.
E-mail: rstroupe053@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4374

Styles, Jess
Network Technician, Information Technology
B.S., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: jstyles@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4447

Swanson, Shirley
Director, Financial & Auxiliary Services
A.A.S., Caldwell Community College; B.S., Gardner Webb University.
E-mail: sswanson109@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4508

Sykes, Carrie
Business Faculty
B.S.B.A., Gardner-Webb University, M.B.A., Liberty University.
email: csykes671@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4382

Thomas, James
Department Head, Engineering and Engineering Technologies
B.S.E.E., Penn State University.
E-mail: jdthomas@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4202

Thompson, Patricia
Redhawk Publications Project Coordinator
B.A., Georgetown University; M.A., George Washington University.
Telephone extension: 4641

Thornburg, Timothy
Welding Technology Faculty, St. Stephens High School
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: tthornburg@cvcc.edu
Telephone: 828-256-9841, ext. 376613

Toney, Cheri
Director, Community Development and Personal Enrichment
E-mail: ctoney@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4320

Travis, Michael
Maintenance/Groundskeeper Technician/Facility Services
Telephone extension: 4236

Tully, Ellen
Basic Skills Senior Instructor/ESL Coordinator for College and Career Readiness
B.S., East Carolina University.
E-mail: etully@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4357

Vandevander, Scott
Department Head, Radiography
Certificate, Washington Hospital School of Radiologic Technology; B.S., Duquesne University.
E-mail: svandevander@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4075

Vang, Sia
Instructional Support Specialist, Corporate Development Center
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-Mail: svang@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4487

Vann, Donna
Department Head, Cosmetology
Diploma, Martin Community College; North Carolina State Board of Cosmetic Art; Cosmetologist License and Instructor License.
E-mail: dvann@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4108

Vegter, Sam E.
Business Faculty
B.A., Appalachian State University; B.S., Appalachian State University; M.B.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: svegter@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4326

Vinson, Vickie
Adult Basic Education (ABE) Coordinator for College and Career Readiness
B.S., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: vvinson@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4268

Wade, Tanya
Entrepreneur Intake Specialist, Manufacturing Solutions Center
E-mail: twade@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4052

Walsh, Luke T.
Mathematics Faculty
B.A., Indiana University; M.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: lwalsh@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4489

Watkins, Jessica
Rhetoric & Composition Faculty
A.F.A., Western Piedmont Community College; B.A., UNC-Greensboro; M.A., East Carolina University.
E-mail: jwatkins@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4692

Watkins, Paul
IT Server Administrator, Information Technology
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., Franklin University; M.S., East Carolina University. Certifications: Linux+, A+, and Microsoft MCITP.
E-mail: pwatkins@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4461

Wells, Nichole
Nursing Faculty
A.A.S., Midlands Technical College; B.S.N., South University; M.S.N., Liberty University.
E-mail: nwells832@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4314

White, Gavin
Welding Faculty, St Stephens High School
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College
E-mail: gwhite163@cvcc.edu
Telephone: 828-256-9841 x376613

White, Zaria
Public Services Coordinator, Library
B.A., UNC-Asheville.
E-mail: zwhite562@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4457

Whiteley, Emily C.
Biology Faculty
A.S., Western Piedmont Community College; B.A., UNC-Asheville; M.S., Western Carolina University.
E-mail: ewhiteley@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4361

Whitener, Cody
Engineering Coordinator, Manufacturing Solutions Center
E-mail: cwhitener568@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4490

Whitlock, John
Computer Integrated Machining Faculty
Diploma, Columbus Technical School.
E-mail: jwhitlock@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4561

Wiles, Lydia
Enrollment Manager
A.A., Mitchell Community College; B.A. UNC-Charlotte.
E-mail: lwiles071@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4136

Wilkins, Charles
Director, Health, Physical Education and Health and Fitness Science
B.S., M.S., Lenoir-Rhyne University; Ed.D. A.T., Still University.
Telephone extension: 4807

Williams, Jessica
Dental Hygiene Faculty
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S.P.H., UNC-Greensboro.
E-mail: jwilliams278@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4157

Wilson, Darrell S.
HVACR Director
Certificate McDowell Technical Community College.
E-mail: dwilson747@cvcc.edu 
Telephone extension: 4237

Wilson, Jeremy
History Faculty
B.S., North Carolina State University; M.A., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: jwilson@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4196

Wilson, Staci
Executive Director, Office of Learning Support
B.A., UNC-Chapel Hill; M.L.S., North Carolina Central University.
E-mail: swilson@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4525

Wilson, Ryan
Engineering Technologies Faculty
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College; B.S., Western Carolina University; Certified SolidWorks Associate.
Email: rwilson984@cvcc.edu
Telephone Extension: 4159

Wimbush, Asante
Student Services Technician
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
E-mail: awimbush@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4431

Wise, Jeremy
Maintenance/Groundskeeper/Facility Services
Telephone extension: 4236

Wise, Mark
Director, Facility Services
Diploma, Catawba Valley Community College.
Email:  mwise@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4114

Wise, Monica
Academic Programs Coordinator
B.S., North Carolina State University.
E-mail: mbwise@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4606

Womack, Robert
Rhetoric & Composition Faculty
B.S., Missouri Southern State University; M.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University; M.A., UNC-Charlotte; M.F.A. Lindenwood University.
E-mail: rwomack@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4680

Wooten, Kristy
Rhetoric & Composition Faculty
B.A., M.A., UNC-Wilmington.
E-mail: kwooten@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4375

Wright, Kristin
Director, Customized Training, Corporate Development Center
B.S., Western Carolina University; M.S., Appalachian State University.
E-mail: kwright@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4297

Wright-Cavanaugh, Nisha
Student Ambassador
E-mail: nwrightcavanaugh468@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4534

Wyant, Patrick
Groundskeeper/Facility Services
A.A.S. Catawba Valley Community College.
Telephone extension: 4236
Yarbrough, Chris
Electrical Systems Faculty
A.A.S. Catawba Valley Community College; North Carolina Electrical Contractors License
Email: cyarbrough975@cvcc.edu
Telephone extension: 4355

York, Linda
Administrative Assistant, Manufacturing Solutions Center
Catawba Valley Community College.
Telephone extension: 4265
Young, Clayton Joe
Director, Photographic Technology
A.A., Rowan-Cabarrus Community College; B.S., B.S.B.A., Appalachian State University; M.A., M.F.A., Savannah College of Art and Design.
Telephone extension: 4467
Zealy-Wright, David
Director, Human Services Technology and Associate Professor of Psychology
A.A., Catawba Valley Community College; B.A., M.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University.
Telephone extension: 4013
Zimmermann, Melanie
Red Hawk Publications
A.A.S., Catawba Valley Community College.
Telephone extension: 4598